
Coworker called out boss after comments about his race. What are your thoughts?

So a few days ago a coworker was telling me how another one of our colleagues was disrespectful to our boss and called him something along the lines of being white (I don't want to be too specific). Today my coworker told me the full story. Our boss tends to make comments about our race and tries to be funny and speaks to us in our language. I don't mind it too much, but he has a tendency to do that and honestly he can be disrespectful at times. That day he was making a few comments about my coworker working together with someone because they're from the same ethnicity/race. My coworker told him he was being “white” (an insult similar to that). My boss told him to mind his language because he is still his boss and my coworker told him that if he's going to make jokes about…

So a few days ago a coworker was telling me how another one of our colleagues was disrespectful to our boss and called him something along the lines of being white (I don't want to be too specific). Today my coworker told me the full story. Our boss tends to make comments about our race and tries to be funny and speaks to us in our language. I don't mind it too much, but he has a tendency to do that and honestly he can be disrespectful at times. That day he was making a few comments about my coworker working together with someone because they're from the same ethnicity/race. My coworker told him he was being “white” (an insult similar to that). My boss told him to mind his language because he is still his boss and my coworker told him that if he's going to make jokes about his race, then he can also make comments like that. I laughed and I am secretly glad that he called him out, but what are your thoughts of saying something like that in the workplace and specifically to your boss?

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