
Crazy manager fires me, then she gets fired and I get a significantly better job

So back when I worked in college I got a part time job at an ice cream shop. I show up every day, perform my job to the best of my ability, and go home at the end of my shift. I don't start drama, and I try to be a nice guy. Since I'm someone of reasonable intelligence, I get pretty good at the job and rarely if ever get any complaints. The owner who hired me kind of had a stick up his ass for rules but he was an all around nice guy so it didn't bother me too much, and my coworkers were all pretty well-adjusted people around my age. The problem started when the owner hired a store manager (SM), a middle-aged copper toned woman who I could tell right from the start had a couple screws loose. She was one of those people who…

So back when I worked in college I got a part time job at an ice cream shop. I show up every day, perform my job to the best of my ability, and go home at the end of my shift. I don't start drama, and I try to be a nice guy. Since I'm someone of reasonable intelligence, I get pretty good at the job and rarely if ever get any complaints.

The owner who hired me kind of had a stick up his ass for rules but he was an all around nice guy so it didn't bother me too much, and my coworkers were all pretty well-adjusted people around my age.

The problem started when the owner hired a store manager (SM), a middle-aged copper toned woman who I could tell right from the start had a couple screws loose. She was one of those people who try to act so overwhelmingly professional that it comes off as super fake.

Since SM gave me bad vibes, I tried to keep my distance from her and not bring any attention to myself. Unfortunately that effort was in vain.

Since this job was pretty close to my campus, one of my classmates, an eccentric girl around my age happened to work there too. Since we had classes together I talked with her every once in a while but never spoke with her about anything more than small talk. I was never rude to her, I never flirted with her or anything. She gave me no indication that she ever had a problem with me but after working a couple shifts together she became very aggressive toward me. Keep in mind she works on the complete other side of the store because she always did dishes so I hardly spoke more than a sentence or two to her a shift. Things sort of came to a head when at the end of our shift when I say good-bye and she essentially tells me to shut the hell up. I was so taken aback by the outburst that I sent her a message on facebook since we happened to be friends on there saying I really didn't appreciate what she said to me. Looking back I shouldn't have done that but I was a dumb socially awkward college student and didn't know any better. She doubles down, says I give her the creeps from how much I talk to her, and to never speak to her again.

Like I said before I barely say 2 sentences to her in a shift and when I noticed her getting a little more irritable before the outburst I actually made it a point not to talk with her at all if I didn't have to, so for her to come and say I talk to her too much made absolutely no sense to me.

After that argument, I could tell right away that she told SM about the argument because I noticed SM getting a lot more cold toward me. I was 30 minutes late to a shift, the 1st and only time it had ever happened, and SM blows up at me in front of everyone because she couldn't leave until I got there, acting like I'd killed her firstbone son or something. I've seen people no call no show and get no where near that response. I see the writing on the wall at this point and I start job searching. No sooner than two weeks after, she fires me for obvious bs like “Your quality of work routinely fell below standards.” I wanted to tell her to shove it but I had finals to study for and was more than happy to take my unexpected vacation.

A month later, after I had gotten a job at a department store making $4 an hour more than I was at the ice cream shop, I visited that same ice cream shop and found out SM had a mental breakdown and got fired herself two weeks after she fired me. The ice cream tasted a little sweeter that day.

TLDR: Coworker who happens to be my classmate goes off on me and gets SM to fire me, then SM gets fired herself while I get I much better job.

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