
Credit Card Tips Transparency

I recently started picking up bartending shifts at a catering company. The last event I worked, all the credit card tips were pooled and split evenly amongst all bartenders working at all of the bars operating throughout the event. The amount I received is lower than what I was expecting. Is it possible to get a copy of the event’s transaction reports so I can verify the amount of tips earned? Or is that private, proprietary information the catering company exclusively owns? I don’t trust corporations and I want proof I got paid what is rightly mine.

I recently started picking up bartending shifts at a catering company. The last event I worked, all the credit card tips were pooled and split evenly amongst all bartenders working at all of the bars operating throughout the event. The amount I received is lower than what I was expecting. Is it possible to get a copy of the event’s transaction reports so I can verify the amount of tips earned? Or is that private, proprietary information the catering company exclusively owns? I don’t trust corporations and I want proof I got paid what is rightly mine.

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