
Current job will not allow my bf a day off. Today is Day 11 and no end in sight.

Its a complicated situation on why we can’t just Quit this job just yet, but this contract cleaning job is doing shady shit. I’ll keep this short but we need advice. I know the first answer is just “Call out. Dont show up. Say you have a doctors appointment” Which I told him were options but he is nervous that suddenly saying he will not be cleaning the houses that already paid, will get us fired. I am on a vacation because it was already paid for (till the 4th where I will go back to not being allowed days off unless i have proof of a medical appointment) but I couldn’t convince my bf to lie and say he is coming with. We need this money to build while we look for another job. He told someone else who is a close family friend and who also works for…

Its a complicated situation on why we can’t just Quit this job just yet, but this contract cleaning job is doing shady shit. I’ll keep this short but we need advice.

I know the first answer is just “Call out. Dont show up. Say you have a doctors appointment” Which I told him were options but he is nervous that suddenly saying he will not be cleaning the houses that already paid, will get us fired. I am on a vacation because it was already paid for (till the 4th where I will go back to not being allowed days off unless i have proof of a medical appointment) but I couldn’t convince my bf to lie and say he is coming with. We need this money to build while we look for another job.

He told someone else who is a close family friend and who also works for this company and thinks is appalling that the manager is doing this, but all they bothered to do was say “Let the owner of the company know” Well guess who is on vacation rn too until the 4th, so coincidentally.

I understand that beyond just saying “im not coming in” last minute and risking the layoff is the best option but he would rather wear himself down to ensure he doesn’t lose any money… I don’t know what to do. They can’t keep doing this just because they’re low staffed and people want their stupid airbnbs turned over asap.

Do contract jobs even have rights to not be forced to do non stop work? We aren’t the only people she is trying to do this to. And yes we are in the US. We’ve only been working here since July 16th. We got split days off when it was convenient for them but then 3 ppl quit and one has to leave for a bit, to put it simply.

My bf will never bite the hand that feeds him but I fucking will even if I have to get fired and throw some tips to osha or something on my way out. Yes I am uneducated as hell about employment laws so I just desperately need advice.

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