
Dealing with guilt and fear in regards to missing work

I missed 3 days last month because I caught the flew from a coworker. I know this may not seem significant, but I work 4 days a week so it was almost an entire work week for me. I then missed today because my grandmother hurt her back and I wanted to be there for her, and I also have been feeling nauseated and exhausted. My job has been exceedingly kind. When I stay behind extra hours to help (willingly, never forced to), they make it equal by letting me leave early on non-busy days. My manager even paid me for those sick days even though he didn't have to. He is a really good guy who genuinely just wants the best for his employees, but I'm terrified to “push”. My grandparents keep telling me that he's “too good of a manager” for me to be calling out so much.…

I missed 3 days last month because I caught the flew from a coworker. I know this may not seem significant, but I work 4 days a week so it was almost an entire work week for me. I then missed today because my grandmother hurt her back and I wanted to be there for her, and I also have been feeling nauseated and exhausted.

My job has been exceedingly kind. When I stay behind extra hours to help (willingly, never forced to), they make it equal by letting me leave early on non-busy days. My manager even paid me for those sick days even though he didn't have to. He is a really good guy who genuinely just wants the best for his employees, but I'm terrified to “push”. My grandparents keep telling me that he's “too good of a manager” for me to be calling out so much. Thats the boomer mindset they grew up with, and I get that, but it fills me with so much fear that I'll be fired. This is probably the nicest managers I've ever had.

How often have y'all called out in a month? I feel horrible even though I know I maybe shouldn't.

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