
Dear HR, Kindly P*** Off!

Got a new HR person a few months back who thinks she is the shit. She has been calling these face to face 1 on 1 meetings with everyone in my department (I'm scheduled in soon) which are around 40 minutes and we have to sit there and tell her about our personal lives, who we are and our goals. How about you take your pointless time wasting meetings and shove it up your asses. Honestly what is the point of HR? Why would I want to sit around and tell some random fuck anything personal about my life. Just leave me to do my job, in peace and go home to actual people I care about. The only person I'm talking to my goals about is my manager in my annual performance review and that's as far as it goes. It just honestly makes me laugh when HR are…

Got a new HR person a few months back who thinks she is the shit. She has been calling these face to face 1 on 1 meetings with everyone in my department (I'm scheduled in soon) which are around 40 minutes and we have to sit there and tell her about our personal lives, who we are and our goals.

How about you take your pointless time wasting meetings and shove it up your asses. Honestly what is the point of HR? Why would I want to sit around and tell some random fuck anything personal about my life. Just leave me to do my job, in peace and go home to actual people I care about.

The only person I'm talking to my goals about is my manager in my annual performance review and that's as far as it goes. It just honestly makes me laugh when HR are like “come to us with any problems in confidence”, I can tell you they will be the first to side with higher ups and the first to stab you in the back.

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