
Dear Potential Employer

Please do not make me complete an online application when I've already submitted my résumé. When this happens, I immediately leave the employer's website and move on. Please do not make me create an account on your website. If I am not selected to interview and/or hired, there is no reason for me to have an account on your website. I will not return to your website in the future. While you're looking for your “fantasy candidate”, there are many who are perfect for the position you're overlooking. There is not a single employer in the country today that has any leg to stand on when they say they “can't find anyone to fill the position.” Please stop posting “ghost jobs” for the sole purpose of collecting résumés you have no intention of reading just so you can make your company look “busy”. There are hundreds if not thousands of…

Please do not make me complete an online application when I've already submitted my résumé. When this happens, I immediately leave the employer's website and move on.

Please do not make me create an account on your website. If I am not selected to interview and/or hired, there is no reason for me to have an account on your website. I will not return to your website in the future.

While you're looking for your “fantasy candidate”, there are many who are perfect for the position you're overlooking. There is not a single employer in the country today that has any leg to stand on when they say they “can't find anyone to fill the position.”

Please stop posting “ghost jobs” for the sole purpose of collecting résumés you have no intention of reading just so you can make your company look “busy”. There are hundreds if not thousands of people in the U.S. alone who would kill to have a job right now. I'm one of them.

Please update your systems and stop giving your employees computers/laptops/other equipment that is 10 years old or older. If you don't want people leaving your company because of your outdated equipment/systems, then spend the money.

Please provide the actual training your employees truly need in order to succeed at their job. My previous employer promised me regularly that I would be enrolled in a specific training class so that I could succeed at my job. That never happened and instead, I was fired for something that truly was not my fault. I asked every manager I had during my four years at this company for training, too. Never received it. I fail to see how a company can fail the employee by not providing what they need and then firing them as a result; especially when the employee was consistently praised for the awesome work they were doing in every other area.

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