
Deny me a raise? Okay, I quit.

I’ve spent the last three years working full time as a medical assistant in a COVID/urgent care clinic while studying my ass off and finally graduating with my Master of Public Health earlier this month. My job knew this and encouraged me the entire way, with my manager even being excited about the potential for a big raise. While being in school full time, I’ve been running the front desk while also helping out in the back office. I answer the phones, schedule patients, check in patients, process faxes, schedule imaging studies, manage calendars, cover shifts in other clinucs when they are short staffed, room patients, collect specimens, run specimens to the lab, and pick up meds from the hospital pharmacy. Recently, I took on new responsibilities regarding infection control at work since that is one of my areas of interest and now am in charge of the Hand Hygiene…

I’ve spent the last three years working full time as a medical assistant in a COVID/urgent care clinic while studying my ass off and finally graduating with my Master of Public Health earlier this month. My job knew this and encouraged me the entire way, with my manager even being excited about the potential for a big raise.

While being in school full time, I’ve been running the front desk while also helping out in the back office. I answer the phones, schedule patients, check in patients, process faxes, schedule imaging studies, manage calendars, cover shifts in other clinucs when they are short staffed, room patients, collect specimens, run specimens to the lab, and pick up meds from the hospital pharmacy. Recently, I took on new responsibilities regarding infection control at work since that is one of my areas of interest and now am in charge of the Hand Hygiene Program for our clinic. I am also being trained on inventory, ordering, and disposing of expired materials and medications. I hardly have down time at work.

I reached out to HR asking for a raise due to my increased responsibilities and getting my degree and was flat out told no. Their reasoning? My degree isn’t “related to my job” and the new responsibilities aren’t significant enough.

Five minutes after being denied a raise, I put in my 2 weeks notice. I can afford being unemployed while I look for a job that utilizes my degree and experience.

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