
Directors do nothing while Infants are Neglected

I recently resigned as my position as the infant at Cadence Academy in Collegeville Pennsylvania.Below I’m leaving my review that I left on the schools website to preface before I give more detail to the situation. “If you’re looking for quality care for your infant, and directors who take initiative, look elsewhere. I worked at Cadence Academy Collegeville for 5 months and sadly watched a place I found safe and loved so much turn into such a disappointing hostile environment. During my time there I’ve witnessed and endured racial discrimination from a co-worker in my classroom, a coworker who would blatantly neglect the infants in our care and refuse to provide care to children of color. I’ve witnessed firsthand her picking the infants up by their arms, leaving them to cry in their cribs, not cleaning their faces after meals, and disregarding diaper-changing protocol. Despite numerous fruitless investigations with HR…

I recently resigned as my position as the infant at Cadence Academy in Collegeville Pennsylvania.Below I’m leaving my review that I left on the schools website to preface before I give more detail to the situation.

“If you’re looking for quality care for your infant, and directors who take initiative, look elsewhere.
I worked at Cadence Academy Collegeville for 5 months and sadly watched a place I found safe and loved so much turn into such a disappointing hostile environment. During my time there I’ve witnessed and endured racial discrimination from a co-worker in my classroom, a coworker who would blatantly neglect the infants in our care and refuse to provide care to children of color. I’ve witnessed firsthand her picking the infants up by their arms, leaving them to cry in their cribs, not cleaning their faces after meals, and disregarding diaper-changing protocol. Despite numerous fruitless investigations with HR nothing has been done about this teacher. Management seems to be more concerned with the turnover rate and being short-staffed as opposed to the safety of the children and the quality of the staff.
I’m disgusted with the behaviors of my coworkers and the continuous neglect from management. I feel let down by my school's HR department leaving these injustices unresolved and the directors who’ve taken statements and been witness to the ongoing issues perpetrated by the previously mentioned coworker.
I resigned today March 10th, 2023, because I’m no longer comfortable working at a school that has such low standards for employees and the care they provide to the students.”

On Friday when I resigned I told my director that our state doesn’t require two weeks notice and that I didn’t read anything in the school hand book requiring it. And that my notice was effective after my shift that day. She agreed with what I said and said they’re are no school policies about giving a two week notice before resigning.
My letter of resignation was very similar to the review I left and mentioned that I made reports with Childline and cadence corporate HR. After the director read my letter about an hour after my shift started and we had that conversation, she comes up to me and says “do you want to just go home now?” which I was shocked to hear because we are short staffed so I responded “I can. Are you asking me or telling me?” and she walked away when I left for the day, I was unable to talk to her but I’m wondering if I was actually fired.
I’m trying to exhaust all of my resources, something needs to be done about what goes on in that school.
Multiple parents have told me that they see i’m the only one doing things for their child and wonder what the other teachers in the room are doing. The previously mentioned director has said horrible things to me about the other teachers in the room that she chose to hire! it broke my heart as they refused care for the new students or students (babies!!) that they didn’t like. it’s horrifying that people can be so cruel and neglect babies that they’re getting paid to take care of.

Does anyone have any advice??

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