
Snubbed on salary

Hi all, I have no idea where to post this but I need advice after getting majorly snubbed on my new salary after promotion. I was promoted but not given anything in writing and verbally asked to keep my salary confidential. I know that is a legally protected right in my state and this discussed with coworkers anyway. All other promoted in just the few months prior to my promotion received a 14.5% raise and I only received 8%. Upon inquiring about this I was told everyone promoted after x date also only received a smaller raise, but I have yet to be able to confirm this. I do believe it to be true though. I continually put in more work than others, nearly double tbh, even though I should not. Did it bite me in the add now? Yes and that’s my own fault and you can call me…

Hi all,

I have no idea where to post this but I need advice after getting majorly snubbed on my new salary after promotion.

I was promoted but not given anything in writing and verbally asked to keep my salary confidential. I know that is a legally protected right in my state and this discussed with coworkers anyway.

All other promoted in just the few months prior to my promotion received a 14.5% raise and I only received 8%. Upon inquiring about this I was told everyone promoted after x date also only received a smaller raise, but I have yet to be able to confirm this. I do believe it to be true though.

I continually put in more work than others, nearly double tbh, even though I should not. Did it bite me in the add now? Yes and that’s my own fault and you can call me an idiot for it. But I need advice.

I have a meeting with head of all locations in NJ coming up this week and am prepping to be able to ask for the most money I can.

I have my production reports, my annual review, client compliments, complements from my offices management, and I have a skill no one else in my office currently has and leaving would dramatically slow down the timeline of one of the companies projects while they train someone.

Also side note, I am a woman and disabled, though I don’t think that has to do with the reason for my pay being less. But if anyone thinks I can use this, in a legal way, to ensure I get a fair value on my new rate please include it.

So give me any advice on how to make sure I am getting paid better instead of being screwed over. I plan to ask for at least a 24% raise from my original rate give no how much effort I put in. And have already decided to put in my two weeks if they do not agree and immediately put our agreement in writing for me to review.

I also plan to discuss with everyone else promoted about the lower pay and document that I plan to do a such with HR.

So give me what you got to make sure I either stopped getting completely fucked over or what I can do to fuck over the company.

TLDR; I’m dumb and worked harder than what I’m being paid for. Got screwed over when raises/promotions went out. What can I do/say to the state head to either make sure I’m getting compensated fairly or to fuck over the company?

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