
Discovered my employer is committing fraud – feeling very uneasy.

Recently I sat down socially with a fellow employee who has worked for my employer for around 6 years. I have only been working there for less than six months. After a few drinks, he revealed to me that my employer appears to be cooking the books, using company money for personal expenses. He saw direct evidence in the paperwork and questioned it with the boss, because ihe assumed it was an error. We are talking tens of thousands of dollars. The boss explained to him that the money situation was all correct and above board. They even have a qualified accountant who signs off on everything. What is even worse, the employee then told me that he initially worked for the company for free for a period of two years. This was in exchange for accommodation and some expenses. The reason he did this is because he believed in…

Recently I sat down socially with a fellow employee who has worked for my employer for around 6 years. I have only been working there for less than six months. After a few drinks, he revealed to me that my employer appears to be cooking the books, using company money for personal expenses. He saw direct evidence in the paperwork and questioned it with the boss, because ihe assumed it was an error. We are talking tens of thousands of dollars.

The boss explained to him that the money situation was all correct and above board. They even have a qualified accountant who signs off on everything.

What is even worse, the employee then told me that he initially worked for the company for free for a period of two years. This was in exchange for accommodation and some expenses. The reason he did this is because he believed in the work the company was doing, and he was under the impression that they couldn't afford to pay him. The company cloaks itself in respectable robes, working in the 'social enterprise' sector. The company is not a 'Not for Profit', although if you looked at it's marketing, you would think it was.

I liked my job there until now. I always thought that the boss and his wife were mysterious people who were hard to pin down on anything. We almost never see them. I'm in Australia and wondering if anyone here knows how I could investigate further without leaving my job or raising suspicions?

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