
Discussion/ shower thoughts: Exploring Future Wages

What are your thoughts on what the appropriate average hourly wage should be? Whenever we advocate for companies to raise their minimum wage, the response often revolves around concerns of negatively impacting small businesses. Can we possibly exert pressure on our politicians to mandate that companies earning at least a billion dollars provide a minimum of $25 per hour? I'm quite uncertain about the current state of affairs, especially considering the rising presence of robots and automation within companies. This leads me to wonder: what does the future hold for wage dynamics

What are your thoughts on what the appropriate average hourly wage should be? Whenever we advocate for companies to raise their minimum wage, the response often revolves around concerns of negatively impacting small businesses. Can we possibly exert pressure on our politicians to mandate that companies earning at least a billion dollars provide a minimum of $25 per hour? I'm quite uncertain about the current state of affairs, especially considering the rising presence of robots and automation within companies. This leads me to wonder: what does the future hold for wage dynamics

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