Recruiter head-hunted me on LinkedIn. Said I seemed like the ideal candidate, and after a phone interview [where I stated my interest in continuing is completely based on the advertised level of compensation] wanted to present me to their client.
The client dismissed me because I wore a short-sleeve button-down instead of a long-sleeve button-down in the summer. And I was upfront that my interest in the position was 100% due to the level of compensation (~30% more than I currently make). In all other aspects, I was pretty much the ideal candidate. I'm the one with the skillset to help your company, I'm not gonna grovel.
Fuck you, pay me.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
Note: I was able to take this attitude because I am perfectly content in the position I have now, but hey, more money is more money.
Edit: In all honesty, I would have taken a job offer to my manager and said “Hey, a recruiter found me and their compensation was not something I could ignore. But, I want to stay here. Here's the offer letter, if you can meet even halfway, I will stay here.”