
Divide and conquer politics

All the rich politicians (dems and reps) are actually working together to keep us so focused on hating the other side that we don’t rebel and take them all down and fix the inequality we all see is happening right in front of our eyes. Same with the wealthy, they rig the system so that they remain wealthy and none of us can ever “win the game” and get wealthy ourselves. They invent bitcoin anonymously pump crypto and then regulate it once they’ve all got rich off of it. Same with stocks. They’ve pumped tech stocks for over a decade, kept interest rates low enough to cause a housing crisis again, and then got rid of every regulation & law stopping businesses from buying houses and continuing the housing crisis. While we can’t afford homes, businesses are just heading their money into a different asset class, housing. Why? Because it’s…

All the rich politicians (dems and reps) are actually working together to keep us so focused on hating the other side that we don’t rebel and take them all down and fix the inequality we all see is happening right in front of our eyes. Same with the wealthy, they rig the system so that they remain wealthy and none of us can ever “win the game” and get wealthy ourselves. They invent bitcoin anonymously pump crypto and then regulate it once they’ve all got rich off of it. Same with stocks. They’ve pumped tech stocks for over a decade, kept interest rates low enough to cause a housing crisis again, and then got rid of every regulation & law stopping businesses from buying houses and continuing the housing crisis. While we can’t afford homes, businesses are just heading their money into a different asset class, housing. Why? Because it’s just one more way to keep their money safe because they know that the banking system is on shaky ground and they won’t be able to safely keep pumping into that system for the next decade while tech stocks drop and the market moves to value. The whole system has been made to keep us controlled and working, so that we continue to work and feed the machine. It can only happen one of a few ways, either through direct control like communism, or the illusion of choice like we have in capitalism. Why is cannabis a schedule 1 drug? Racism & a failed drug war. But why hate drugs so much? Because when people get high and have fun they start to question their work life balance, they begin to question working a job they hate vs being creative and enjoying their lives, in short they stop working the exploitation jobs the rich rely on to remain rich. That drug war mind you that was fueled by the CIA & FBI. They fueled drug wars in Latina America and other poor countries for resources and to replace their leaders with ones who would do what the US says. Primarily to give us cheap resources to keep our “country” wealthy, really just to keep the rich wealthy. The biggest lie is that any of us can become rich & powerful too. Absolutely not, they will never let it happen.

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