
Do I post a negative review of my company on Glassdoor?

Context: My last job was shit. I was there for three years, never a promotion or pay raise but plenty of additional responsibility. I was already underpaid when I started and was told I would get more “opportunities” but they never appeared in more meaningful ways. Upper management was so manipulative and micromanage-y it was insufferable. Now, the company is VERY small and if I wrote this review they'd know it was me. Pros: Writing this review gives future potential employees the BIGGEST red flags to warn them of this shit hole. They only have 3 other negative reviews on there, but when I applied I didn't put much weight behind those negative reviews because it seemed like a couple scorned employees. Now I realize how RIGHT they were and I want to back that message. It also gives me a chance to fully express my frustrations with the company…

Context: My last job was shit. I was there for three years, never a promotion or pay raise but plenty of additional responsibility. I was already underpaid when I started and was told I would get more “opportunities” but they never appeared in more meaningful ways. Upper management was so manipulative and micromanage-y it was insufferable. Now, the company is VERY small and if I wrote this review they'd know it was me.

Pros: Writing this review gives future potential employees the BIGGEST red flags to warn them of this shit hole. They only have 3 other negative reviews on there, but when I applied I didn't put much weight behind those negative reviews because it seemed like a couple scorned employees. Now I realize how RIGHT they were and I want to back that message. It also gives me a chance to fully express my frustrations with the company for ALL to read.

Cons: I am in a new role now that I love, and don't want to continue focusing on my shit past jobs. I also don't want to burn a big bridge with that employer in case I need a reference or anything. It's the unknowns of what that review will do to my relationship with the other employees there (as really it's just 2 people who sucked the CEO and CFO). Also, do people even read Glassdoor for advice on job applications? I don't want to potentially burn bridges for nothing.

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