
Do most remote jobs consist of doing mostly nothing all day?

Often times on Reddit I see other redditors either bragging or complaining about their easy remote job. They will either say “I get all my work done in 15 hours a week. I spend the remaining 40 hours a week playing video games, binging shows, at the gym, or other errands, etc. Is this normal?” A few lucky ones have 6 figure jobs doing mostly nothing. I see a lot of these kinds of jobs are either tech related or in some goverment related field. I want to know how common is this outside of tech or is it possible there are entry level remote jobs like this?

Often times on Reddit I see other redditors either bragging or complaining about their easy remote job. They will either say “I get all my work done in 15 hours a week. I spend the remaining 40 hours a week playing video games, binging shows, at the gym, or other errands, etc. Is this normal?” A few lucky ones have 6 figure jobs doing mostly nothing. I see a lot of these kinds of jobs are either tech related or in some goverment related field. I want to know how common is this outside of tech or is it possible there are entry level remote jobs like this?

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