
Former manager kept telling people that I have high blood pressure……can I take legal actions? California

I work in a specialized field that pays over 6 figures. My previous boss didn’t lead the department and allowed my senior coworker to be in charge. Basically, I reported to my senior coworker everyday, but my whole team meets my boss once a month. My boss doesn’t know what my team does and trusts my coworker with everything. My senior coworker has been with the org for two years and caused two people prior to me to leave. They both left within 6 months. When I started, I was told that they left due to high blood pressure. I realized that my senior coworker was so toxic, but my boss truly trust her. Shortly, we hired a second coworker who I got along with. The job was so toxic and I left after 10 months. This caused everyone to ask my boss and senior coworker why people are leaving.…

I work in a specialized field that pays over 6 figures. My previous boss didn’t lead the department and allowed my senior coworker to be in charge. Basically, I reported to my senior coworker everyday, but my whole team meets my boss once a month. My boss doesn’t know what my team does and trusts my coworker with everything.

My senior coworker has been with the org for two years and caused two people prior to me to leave. They both left within 6 months. When I started, I was told that they left due to high blood pressure. I realized that my senior coworker was so toxic, but my boss truly trust her. Shortly, we hired a second coworker who I got along with.

The job was so toxic and I left after 10 months. This caused everyone to ask my boss and senior coworker why people are leaving. They’re now telling the organization that I left due to high blood pressure and incompetency. I don’t mind being called incompetent since they have their opinion, but I never had high blood pressure.

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