
Do not quit your job until you have a new one!

Lot of posts in this sub about finally turning in the old resignation letter and giving your boss what for. I’m telling you and I cannot stress this enough: do not quit your job until you have a new one ready to start. I don’t care what this job market looks like. It doesn’t matter how desperate you think employers are in your area. It doesn’t matter that the Wendy’s down the street from you has an “open interviews on Tuesdays” sign. Going from having a crap job to having no job is NOT an improvement. Unless you are in imminent danger or you can absolutely afford to be without a job for more than a month or two, do not quit your job until you have a new one ready to start. Yes, having to go into the office instead of working from home sucks if you love WFH.…

Lot of posts in this sub about finally turning in the old resignation letter and giving your boss what for. I’m telling you and I cannot stress this enough: do not quit your job until you have a new one ready to start.

I don’t care what this job market looks like. It doesn’t matter how desperate you think employers are in your area. It doesn’t matter that the Wendy’s down the street from you has an “open interviews on Tuesdays” sign. Going from having a crap job to having no job is NOT an improvement.

Unless you are in imminent danger or you can absolutely afford to be without a job for more than a month or two, do not quit your job until you have a new one ready to start. Yes, having to go into the office instead of working from home sucks if you love WFH. You know what sucks more? Not having a home to work from.

Yes, your employer screwing you out of rest or lunch breaks sucks. You know what sucks more? Figuring out what you can afford to eat for lunch from the box of stuff you got at the food pantry.

Take it from somehow who spent nearly a year homeless because “I can totally get another job right away” turned into months of job seeking interspersed with minimum wage subsistence digging the hole even deeper to try to climb out of. However shitty your boss is, however much your feet hurt at the end of the day, however little you get to see your friends or family, you are endangering yourself if you quit with nowhere already ready to go.

(And side note, “had an interview” is not a job. “They said they’ll be sending an offer” is not a job. A start date, pay rate, and paperwork to fill out is a job.)

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