
Do Seniors (Ppl who worked longer than me) and Directors have privileges to be late for work and meetings?

Hi, so I (25F) recently did a change of job from a MNC company to a SME company due to a mass retrenchment. Which is a total culture shock. So some context about me before I start ranting, I am a huge people pleaser I tend to have high expectations of myself as an employee and always want to leave a good impression. I always arrive to work 15 mins early while I noticed that the seniors and directors stroll in as late as 30 mins to an hour after start time. Same for meetings, I always join team meeting calls 5 mins early when nobody is there at all and id notice the seniors and directors slowly strolling in 5-10 mins late. Today was one of the days that suddenly my wifi had trouble establishing a connection to my laptop as there was a huge thunderstorm. I couldn’t find…

Hi, so I (25F) recently did a change of job from a MNC company to a SME company due to a mass retrenchment. Which is a total culture shock.

So some context about me before I start ranting, I am a huge people pleaser I tend to have high expectations of myself as an employee and always want to leave a good impression. I always arrive to work 15 mins early while I noticed that the seniors and directors stroll in as late as 30 mins to an hour after start time. Same for meetings, I always join team meeting calls 5 mins early when nobody is there at all and id notice the seniors and directors slowly strolling in 5-10 mins late.

Today was one of the days that suddenly my wifi had trouble establishing a connection to my laptop as there was a huge thunderstorm. I couldn’t find the connection and ended up being 5 mins late to the meeting. I thought it should be ok since my other colleagues are always late for meetings and work etc… then 15 mins into the meeting my director sends a text to the group asking why was I late to the meeting and that I should always arrive 5 mins early to the meeting. I wanted to tell him about my wifi but felt like it would be an excuse so I just apologized and that’s all. I was at the same time Just questioning why all those 99% other times that I was super early, while the other colleagues and directors are late, it’s okay for them. But when it’s me for just this one time.. I get in trouble. I just felt it was so unfair, why do they have privileges? This definitely affected me and now I just kept overthinking if I just committed a big mistake..

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