
Do you ever regret not going for the “traditional” money jobs? [Serious]

Like lawyer, doctor, accountant, financial analyst etc. The jobs that would pay more on average? I'm not sure how many of us here went for the dream over the money vs those that never went to college to study these boring fields but do you regret sacrificing the money for whatever else it is. Do you think if you could go back you would take the school loans to get the office job, the money that's kinda enough to support a family, the 401k or other retirement plan, the dental/health benefits and all that normally social acceptable stuff.

Like lawyer, doctor, accountant, financial analyst etc. The jobs that would pay more on average? I'm not sure how many of us here went for the dream over the money vs those that never went to college to study these boring fields but do you regret sacrificing the money for whatever else it is.

Do you think if you could go back you would take the school loans to get the office job, the money that's kinda enough to support a family, the 401k or other retirement plan, the dental/health benefits and all that normally social acceptable stuff.

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