
Do you guys really give a 2 week notice?

I’ve been on my own and working for 4 years now and have worked thru the ass end of the pandemic. i started at a pizza shop during covids peak and it was miserable. the people were cool and became very close friends but the work was HORRID. ever had to make 30 pizzas and 100+ wings in 20 min for $8.50/hr? picture that type of stress for an entire year. i started as what they call an “inside” which is basically cooking the wings, sandwiches, the other stuff u order at pizza places that isnt pizza. it was during spring/summer and was hot as hell itself. for 8 hrs i worked with fryers with a hood over them barely ever working. and to top it off the place had ZERO A/C and we relyed off of fans. cat im talkin we’d have to step out in 90° F to…

I’ve been on my own and working for 4 years now and have worked thru the ass end of the pandemic. i started at a pizza shop during covids peak and it was miserable. the people were cool and became very close friends but the work was HORRID. ever had to make 30 pizzas and 100+ wings in 20 min for $8.50/hr? picture that type of stress for an entire year.

i started as what they call an “inside” which is basically cooking the wings, sandwiches, the other stuff u order at pizza places that isnt pizza. it was during spring/summer and was hot as hell itself. for 8 hrs i worked with fryers with a hood over them barely ever working. and to top it off the place had ZERO A/C and we relyed off of fans. cat im talkin we’d have to step out in 90° F to COOL OFF. “inside” was my position for about 2 months before i started having to take over more and more tasks cause no one was doing them or helping with them. mind you i didnt know how stingy companies can be at this time and i saw my extra work as helping my friends out and also to look better for management. there were points i worked off the clock to get people out on time (only lasted 2 weeks before i shut that down) i did so much for that company and missed maybe a single day for illness and was still told i needed to do more and that im “still a kid and should have a better work ethic for the future.” (i was 19 at this point) after all i did? thats what sparked the flame.

i called my buddy who worked for a major sports bar/ chicken wing establishment and asked if they needed anyone and asked him to grab me an application. i ended up getting a car with my stimulus check and some saved money. and gave my manager choices. at first i told him i wanted to change to a driver position, to which i was told “work harder and well talk” i got furious and said “i am the only reason this shit shack closes at the right time your fellow shift mangers rely on me to do everything what more could you possibly want from me?” come about an hour later i come up to him again “alright (insert gms name) heres the deal i got another offer for 10/hr somewhere else , either match that or i walk and leave you to struggle.” mind you i was the ONLY inside at this point. he said hed ask for me and tried to gaslight me like he didnt just belittle me. he came back with “best i can do is 9/hr. will ya stay?” i laughed in his face and said “not a snowballs chance in the 7th circle my friend” he snapped “after all we did for you..” i cut him off with “nah after all i did for YOU” i know very hallmark but i felt so badass. worked my last scheduled shifts and never came back.

to this day i refuse to give a two week notice to ANY management who treats me or anyone else as less than. yall can fire me anytime? im gonna quit anytime simple.

but yeah do yall give two week notices

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