
Do you quit a job due to micromanaging?

The new manager taking over is a notorious micromanager. You tell him what you are doing, he'll need to verify it, always acting like you are lying. HR doesn't care, this guy has been in the company for 10 years, I take it as accepted culture. I wrote HR over it, and they haven't even responded in 3 days. The problem is the job market where I live is SLIM. And I worked so hard to be in this position, I hate having a new manager scare me away from the job.

The new manager taking over is a notorious micromanager. You tell him what you are doing, he'll need to verify it, always acting like you are lying. HR doesn't care, this guy has been in the company for 10 years, I take it as accepted culture. I wrote HR over it, and they haven't even responded in 3 days.

The problem is the job market where I live is SLIM. And I worked so hard to be in this position, I hate having a new manager scare me away from the job.

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