
Do you still give a two week notice?

A week ago my coworker found a new job and put in his two weeks notice. This was to help transfer duties and train someone on the immediate coverage stuff. It's also a common courtesy in most areas I think. After a couple of days the company's knee-jerk reaction was to tell him he no longer an employee effective immediately. Fast forward to this week and people are scrambling to catch up and assign things and everyone is behind. I've heard of more and more companies doing this when you put in your two weeks and it seems crazy to me, it makes it way more difficult for the people picking up the extra work. And then we get the articles of companies hating quiet quitting. Do you still think these days it makes sense to put in a two weeks or just quit the day you want to be…

A week ago my coworker found a new job and put in his two weeks notice. This was to help transfer duties and train someone on the immediate coverage stuff. It's also a common courtesy in most areas I think. After a couple of days the company's knee-jerk reaction was to tell him he no longer an employee effective immediately. Fast forward to this week and people are scrambling to catch up and assign things and everyone is behind.

I've heard of more and more companies doing this when you put in your two weeks and it seems crazy to me, it makes it way more difficult for the people picking up the extra work. And then we get the articles of companies hating quiet quitting.

Do you still think these days it makes sense to put in a two weeks or just quit the day you want to be your last day?

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