
Do you think “overqualified” people struggle to hired more than people with less experience or no?

In your experience, do you think companies would rather hire someone with less experience for a job, because they can get them to do more difficult tasks for lower pay. Or do you think people who are newer to a field struggle to get in? I ask, because I noticed in my office that we just let go one of our senior managers from another section from mine, and that section now has two new junior staff (one just graduated from college, the other graduated 2 years ago). I was told by another coworker the manager was really upset about what had happened. As far as I could tell, he was really well liked, and no one saw it coming.

In your experience, do you think companies would rather hire someone with less experience for a job, because they can get them to do more difficult tasks for lower pay.

Or do you think people who are newer to a field struggle to get in?

I ask, because I noticed in my office that we just let go one of our senior managers from another section from mine, and that section now has two new junior staff (one just graduated from college, the other graduated 2 years ago). I was told by another coworker the manager was really upset about what had happened. As far as I could tell, he was really well liked, and no one saw it coming.

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