
Do you think overwork is contributing to declining fertility rates?

Capitalism and hustle culture emphasise the importance of individualism, competition, and success at any cost. In this culture, people are encouraged to work hard and pursue their own goals, often at the expense of other areas of their lives, including their relationships with their families. The breakdown of the extended family unit means that parents can no longer rely on their extended family to help raise their children. In the past, children were often raised by their grandparents or other relatives, but nowadays, parents are left to do it all on their own. The result of this trend is that many families are becoming increasingly isolated, with less support and community around them. Parents are struggling to balance their work and family responsibilities, leading to increased stress and burnout. Do you think this is a reason why there has been a huge decline in the total fertility rate? Many feel…

Capitalism and hustle culture emphasise the importance of individualism, competition, and success at any cost. In this culture, people are encouraged to work hard and pursue their own goals, often at the expense of other areas of their lives, including their relationships with their families.

The breakdown of the extended family unit means that parents can no longer rely on their extended family to help raise their children. In the past, children were often raised by their grandparents or other relatives, but nowadays, parents are left to do it all on their own.

The result of this trend is that many families are becoming increasingly isolated, with less support and community around them. Parents are struggling to balance their work and family responsibilities, leading to increased stress and burnout.

Do you think this is a reason why there has been a huge decline in the total fertility rate? Many feel it is much better to simply not have kids. There are many contraceptives available today, not just the pill or IUD or condoms but also surgical sterilisation options such as vasectomy, tubal ligation or bisalps.

In the past there used to be a “village” that looked after children and helped raise a family, but nowadays if you have children and then sacrifice your time, effort and money into the family, your family is likely to just leave the nest eventually and become distant relations seen a handful of times a year. You put all this effort and money and you get nothing from it. Your family just take advantage of you, strip you dry, and then leave you so that you are old and poor and eventually end up in an overcrowded nursing home.

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