

So for context I literally lasted at this job for exactly a month (started on the 24th of July and handed in my resignation on the 24th of August) and I wish I had left sooner. It was a new role for me, something I had never ever done before but was excited to learn and gain the experience so it was a shame when it went downhill. I was working with three other people directly within a bigger office. Malory, Kirsty (my manager) and Rosie. I have never worked with such pains in my ass. I would really like to hone in that while yes I absolutely made mistakes, that’s obviously just apart of the learning process but it’s impossible to properly learn from those mistakes if you don’t have the correct support. I felt completely isolated and like a few odds were against me at this job. I…

So for context I literally lasted at this job for exactly a month (started on the 24th of July and handed in my resignation on the 24th of August) and I wish I had left sooner. It was a new role for me, something I had never ever done before but was excited to learn and gain the experience so it was a shame when it went downhill.

I was working with three other people directly within a bigger office. Malory, Kirsty (my manager) and Rosie. I have never worked with such pains in my ass.

I would really like to hone in that while yes I absolutely made mistakes, that’s obviously just apart of the learning process but it’s impossible to properly learn from those mistakes if you don’t have the correct support. I felt completely isolated and like a few odds were against me at this job. I would also like to state I was not clinical I was admin, so while mistakes still do have consequences it’s nowhere near as bad if we were clinical.

-On my first day (before it was even lunch) all Rosie and Malory did was spread nasty gossip about others within the service. As well as say some wildly unsavoury things about gay people and people who are not white. I thought about leaving there and then tbh but I couldn’t afford to.

-I’m dyslexic therefore I often mess words up and have a slight speech impediment, Kirsty would make it a habit to correct me in front of everyone.

-Malory deals with cancer patients and whenever they would be annoying (often just showing panic and anxiety) to her she would use their worst weakness against them. If for eg they had substance issues she would say stuff like “well they’re a crackhead anyway” to justify why they had cancer.

-I have kidney stones therefore need to piss constantly, I was told by my manager I should be at my desk for the full 7 hours and to “not take the piss”

-If I ever made a mistake within my work all three of them would discuss it amongst themselves (often right in front of me and I didn’t understand why Malory was told because she had nothing to do with my work, just worked in the same office) and judge me for it, only then would they bring it up to me but in a really demeaning way.

-Also, Kirsty and Malory are mother (Malory) and daughter (Kirsty) who worked right across from each other. My manager is only in office twice a week so if I ever did something not up to their standards, Malory would report back to her. For eg, when I was told to not take the piss I was informed that the way Kirsty knew about me being away from my desk (in the toilet fighting for my life) it was because nurses came looking for me and contacted her when I was not there. I thought that was strange because no one has looked for me for the other 6+ hours I’m at my desk. So I said to every nurse if I’m not there this is my email, my number and if you feel like it just leave a note. They all informed me none of them had looked for me due to how new I was. So not only did Kirsty lie to me, but she was trying to save her and her mother’s ass and to blame someone else.

-Rosie was supposed to be training me but whenever I would go to her about something she would act like it was a bother, so eventually I stopped asking but then got into trouble because I wasn’t asking any questions. Also, due to my dyslexia I find it impossible to learn through text or word of mouth. I physically need to be shown something but Rosie was only in office for 2 afternoons. That wouldn’t be an issue except I got into trouble if I asked anyone else for help 🤷‍️

-I eventually went to my manager’s manager (Nigel) about somethings, he said they would have to address it but gave me 3 options. 1. He could send out a generalised email reminding everyone of the office policies 2. He could have a meeting with Kirsty or 3. Kirsty, Nigel and I could all have a meeting together. But due to how on edge I was about everything, he PROMISED he would let me choose which option and he wouldn’t do anything without my say so, did he do that??? Did he fuck. He had a meeting with Malory AND Kirsty together and then only informing me when the damage had been done.

-They were all talking about me to Nigel from day ONE.

-I was accused by Rosie of not doing (simple) tasks when I in fact did and had proof, but she informed me she asked Malory to talk to me about it. Like why???

-Rosie would also call Malory to spy on me and what I was doing all while thinking I have one brain cell.

-The air con stopped working in the office and I’m not exaggerating when I say it was 31°+ in that office. My manager was allowed to work from home but I wasn’t 🙂

-Whenever I was out of the room and what they thought was out of ear shot, I could clearly hear Malory and Rosie chatting shit about me and giggling. I didn’t know two middle aged women would get their kicks from trying to bully(?) a 22 year old for essentially no reason but ok you can be miserable if you want.

-Yesterday (24th) as soon as I got in and sat down Rosie went straight for me. For context it was my FIRST time doing dictations last Thursday and Rosie tasked me with the office’s known most difficult doctor to transcribe. He mumbles, talks too quickly and either talks too close or too far away from the mic. She gave me six of his dictations. Fine let’s give this a shot. I got through 5 of those things leaving one unfinished because there’s no way I was getting anything from that. In front of everyone Rosie started reprimanding me. Asking what exactly it is I do all day, going through all my work and saying is this it (it was all I was given???) saying how I didn’t even finish one of the doctor’s dictations and how I don’t take patient calls enough (my phone doesn’t ring?) I wish I could say I stood up for myself but I felt so drained from the last month I just started to cry. I knew at that moment I wasn’t coming back because it takes a lot for me to cry, and I knew it would only get worse. And I would rather eat a Jean jacket piece by piece than cry at work. Rosie then told me to stop crying, and about how she went home on Thursday and cried after seeing I didn’t finish the dictation, how I have messed up the time in which we get stuff done (even though a few days before that she was praising me on how helpful I am and my work has really done her a favour) and how she’s too nervous to go on holiday next month. A bunch of bs.

There’s more but this has been long enough. Fuck office culture.

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