
Does calling in sick give anyone else anxiety?

Called in sick today. Currently struggling with the urge to puke ON TOP OF the anxiety of calling in. Why? It doesn’t make sense. I’m not a crucial part of the team. They’ve been in business for 75 years. Why does it feel like one lowly technician calling in sick for 1 day is going to put them out of business? That doesn’t make any sense. Management is even cool about it. Texted me saying “hope you feel better soon”. I’m starting to think the radical boomer mentality we millennials were exposed to growing up, is the cause of this anxiety. I am enjoying this society so much.

Called in sick today. Currently struggling with the urge to puke ON TOP OF the anxiety of calling in. Why? It doesn’t make sense.

I’m not a crucial part of the team. They’ve been in business for 75 years. Why does it feel like one lowly technician calling in sick for 1 day is going to put them out of business? That doesn’t make any sense.

Management is even cool about it. Texted me saying “hope you feel better soon”. I’m starting to think the radical boomer mentality we millennials were exposed to growing up, is the cause of this anxiety. I am enjoying this society so much.

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