
Doing a Teacher’s job at TA wages

Starting in October, I began working as a special education teacher at a local high school. It wasn't ideal for me, the school is 30 miles away from my house, the hours and long commute left me too tired to do anything after work, and social studies have always been the subject I wanted to teach, but I took this job because it would allow me to complete my lateral-entry licensure program. I figured I would teach there for a year, get my coursework over with, and look for work closer to home. It didn't work out that way. I got very sick in October which affected my performance and I missed the deadlines on two IEPs for my students. But once the new year came, I felt that I could start anew and really hit the ground running. But last month, when I was trying to finish up an…

Starting in October, I began working as a special education teacher at a local high school. It wasn't ideal for me, the school is 30 miles away from my house, the hours and long commute left me too tired to do anything after work, and social studies have always been the subject I wanted to teach, but I took this job because it would allow me to complete my lateral-entry licensure program. I figured I would teach there for a year, get my coursework over with, and look for work closer to home. It didn't work out that way. I got very sick in October which affected my performance and I missed the deadlines on two IEPs for my students. But once the new year came, I felt that I could start anew and really hit the ground running. But last month, when I was trying to finish up an IEP, my supervisor told me I didn't add enough details to it. To make a long story short, I snapped. I started yelling and cursing at her, in front of some of my students no less. I made a mistake, but I was at my wit's end. I had a full-time job and coursework to do, I had little to no free time for myself, and I had just learned a very good friend of mine committed suicide. From there, I was given an ultimatum from the principal: Go back to being a Teacher's Assistant (which was what I was before I was given the teaching position) or quit. I wanted to quit, but I decided to accept the demotion. My car note doesn't pay itself. They said I would be moved to another part of the school within a couple of days. That was a month. I'm still doing the same job I was doing a month ago but at reduced pay, because some bitch got her panties in a wad. I admit I shouldn't have snapped like that, but I was under an immense amount of stress and pain that should have been taken into account. Should I stick it out or just quit and find something else?

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