
Don’t Know Where Else to Put This. A Dilemma With My Friend

He said he was joining the army, and since we live in the united states, I instantly panicked about him becoming corrupted. When I said I hoped he didn't die, he said he wasn't going into a combat MOS. I think they may be lying to him since that's the sort of thing they would do, or even if they aren't, I feel unsure if I should continue knowing him as a friend. I don't really have a way with words, so I came here wondering if I should try luring him away from the military by asking him more questions. I'm aware challenging someone head-on makes them less likely to change their mind. If I am right, though, about not overtly challenging his decision, I wonder if asking questions, even then, would be the right idea on taking a subtle approach. And then, if I do have the right…

He said he was joining the army, and since we live in the united states, I instantly panicked about him becoming corrupted.

When I said I hoped he didn't die, he said he wasn't going into a combat MOS. I think they may be lying to him since that's the sort of thing they would do, or even if they aren't, I feel unsure if I should continue knowing him as a friend.

I don't really have a way with words, so I came here wondering if I should try luring him away from the military by asking him more questions. I'm aware challenging someone head-on makes them less likely to change their mind. If I am right, though, about not overtly challenging his decision, I wonder if asking questions, even then, would be the right idea on taking a subtle approach.

And then, if I do have the right idea… The only question that comes to my mind at the moment is “How do you know they're telling the truth?” but that seems too obvious.

I don't know what I should do.

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