I made a post in here a week ago about how to make my complaint against my boss stick. During this time: I went from being absolutely tormented for 35 hours a week, to finding a new job IN A DAY that’s going to pay me 3.50 more an hour.
My point being don’t settle. I cannot believe I put up with as much as I did out of fear of change. I could have saved myself an entire year of misery and made 12,000 more if I had just bit the bullet when I should have. Don’t be afraid to look around. Don’t be afraid to always keep your options open. And don’t kick yourself too much if you are scared.
Just remember: Humans hate change. That’s a biological fact that goes back to caveman days. It makes us uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean we have to avoid changes. Change (even bad changes) always leads to growth and growth is never a bad thing.
Happy hunting!!