
Don’t work yourself to death

Partly out of grief and partly as a warning. Don’t work yourselves to death for companies that ultimately don’t care about you. This morning my mother passed away from heat exhaustion and toxic chemical fumes exposure at a water park she’d been employed at for almost a decade. They didn’t even call OSHA or the ambulance for her. My father and I had to. They don’t care, and it’s not worth leaving the people who love you behind over.

Partly out of grief and partly as a warning. Don’t work yourselves to death for companies that ultimately don’t care about you.

This morning my mother passed away from heat exhaustion and toxic chemical fumes exposure at a water park she’d been employed at for almost a decade.

They didn’t even call OSHA or the ambulance for her. My father and I had to.

They don’t care, and it’s not worth leaving the people who love you behind over.

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