
Down times

My last job has screwed up my back and left leg It was a part time job with a lot of hard labor. My left leg has started to go numb and hurt really bad, I visited I chiropractor and what they have told me is that my hip has rotated and it's pinching my sciatic nerve now I'm lucky if I can walk 5 min without any pain. Is there any online things I can do to make some side cash because I ended up having to leave my last job due to not having pto or any kind of leave plan for possible situations like this. Now I'm working with family but even then I can't keep up I just need something on the side I can do from a chair preferably until I can at least get better to walk more again. Gotta love American part time…

My last job has screwed up my back and left leg
It was a part time job with a lot of hard labor. My left leg has started to go numb and hurt really bad, I visited I chiropractor and what they have told me is that my hip has rotated and it's pinching my sciatic nerve now I'm lucky if I can walk 5 min without any pain. Is there any online things I can do to make some side cash because I ended up having to leave my last job due to not having pto or any kind of leave plan for possible situations like this. Now I'm working with family but even then I can't keep up I just need something on the side I can do from a chair preferably until I can at least get better to walk more again. Gotta love American part time jobs and Healthcare.

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