
Drama and Gossip

Why does every work place feel like I’m reliving high school? The cliques, the drama, the gossip, constant back stabbing. I work in a freaking homeless shelter, this isn’t glamorous or anything. And yet so many of my colleagues act like there some big pay raise or bonus waiting for them for being an asshole to everyone else. We’re a non-profit funded by the province, there’s barley a cost of living increase. I just want to help people in need and live a quiet life.

Why does every work place feel like I’m reliving high school? The cliques, the drama, the gossip, constant back stabbing. I work in a freaking homeless shelter, this isn’t glamorous or anything. And yet so many of my colleagues act like there some big pay raise or bonus waiting for them for being an asshole to everyone else. We’re a non-profit funded by the province, there’s barley a cost of living increase.

I just want to help people in need and live a quiet life.

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