
Please stop being dumb with tipping posts. If you stop tipping you will be screwed and you will deserve it.

Employers aren’t going to increase wages if you stop tipping. Make a thousand posts against it. Write hundreds of op-eds about it. The ONLY, yes ONLY, outcome is unfavorable to you, the idiot thinking you can win against greed. They won’t increase wages across the board for these industries. If enough of you convince people to stop, the workers will quit. The owners will either increase the prices to offset SOME of the profit loss of the reduced labor force or they will replace dine-in options/capacities. You are the only one screwed here. These companies are already making profits hand over fists. If you don’t want to tip then don’t, but the countless posts about tipping does nothing but screw over innocent workers. Do you think they are the ones adding tips to every facet of the goods and services exchange? No. They are not. You can not stop greed…

Employers aren’t going to increase wages if you stop tipping. Make a thousand posts against it. Write hundreds of op-eds about it. The ONLY, yes ONLY, outcome is unfavorable to you, the idiot thinking you can win against greed. They won’t increase wages across the board for these industries. If enough of you convince people to stop, the workers will quit. The owners will either increase the prices to offset SOME of the profit loss of the reduced labor force or they will replace dine-in options/capacities. You are the only one screwed here. These companies are already making profits hand over fists. If you don’t want to tip then don’t, but the countless posts about tipping does nothing but screw over innocent workers. Do you think they are the ones adding tips to every facet of the goods and services exchange? No. They are not. You can not stop greed this way and to even think you are doing anything but hurting innocent, underpaid workers is incredulous. YTA

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