
Drinking Water at Work?

I just started working at a small Michigan restaurant chain, and my workplace does not have free drinking water for employees or customers, only priced water bottles and canned soda pop. I had a customer upset with me over this today and he said it’s illegal but I have no idea what the laws surrounding this are in Michigan. Is this an OSHA violation or anything? Would I be able to make an anonymous complaint and have it resolved through our chain’s corporate? I asked the manager about water and he said we don’t have any sinks or anything that supply drinking water, nor any water cups. Any help or resources are much appreciated!

I just started working at a small Michigan restaurant chain, and my workplace does not have free drinking water for employees or customers, only priced water bottles and canned soda pop. I had a customer upset with me over this today and he said it’s illegal but I have no idea what the laws surrounding this are in Michigan. Is this an OSHA violation or anything? Would I be able to make an anonymous complaint and have it resolved through our chain’s corporate? I asked the manager about water and he said we don’t have any sinks or anything that supply drinking water, nor any water cups. Any help or resources are much appreciated!

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