
Dropped me to part-time, lost benefits, pay reduced by over $5/hr, and not getting paid for a week as a result of HR investigation

Long post warning, but it’s a ride TLDR: Got transitioned to a new role. Had no possible way to bill insurance for 30 hours a week and maintain full-time status, but thought I was okay until the end of the quarter. Turns out I’m not, hence the title. They’re also not paying me for the 30 hours they promised last week despite not giving me anything I could possible bill for until Wednesday evening. You can look at my post history about the details of this HR investigation. I posted a while back with an update on what I thought was the outcome, but I suppose this is the outcome. Basically, they decided to transition me out of my department and into a different department with a completely different role. No training on what I’m supposed to be doing. No guidance on what was expected of me during the transition…

Long post warning, but it’s a ride

TLDR: Got transitioned to a new role. Had no possible way to bill insurance for 30 hours a week and maintain full-time status, but thought I was okay until the end of the quarter. Turns out I’m not, hence the title. They’re also not paying me for the 30 hours they promised last week despite not giving me anything I could possible bill for until Wednesday evening.

You can look at my post history about the details of this HR investigation. I posted a while back with an update on what I thought was the outcome, but I suppose this is the outcome.

Basically, they decided to transition me out of my department and into a different department with a completely different role. No training on what I’m supposed to be doing. No guidance on what was expected of me during the transition out or in. And yes, I have asked for guidance MULTIPLE times. When I asked my supervisor what to do, she just said, “Just do your best and hang out.” But I can’t BILL INSURANCE for “hanging out,” and I didn’t even have access to things I was billing for previously!

Come Friday, they informed that I was being dropped to part-time, making me an hourly employee, they were decreasing my pay rate, and I was losing my benefits because I had a deficit of 27 hours in billing.

Their reasoning for dropping me to part-time was that I wasn’t billing full-time hours to insurance. Every QUARTER, I am responsible for billing an average of 30 hours per week. Never once have I failed to meet those requirements. If by the end of the QUARTER, I don’t meet the total requirements, my full-time status gets re-evaluated. The quarter doesn’t end until June 30th. I can also only bill for time that I spend working directly on a client’s case. No admin work, trainings, meetings, etc. Most of the people I work with bill extremely fraudulently, and they’re very open about it, but that’s a felony and it’s unethical af, so I’m not gonna do that.

I had more than enough PTO to compensate, so I asked if I could just use that to make up for it. They said you can’t use PTO for a previous month, but I was told directly when I started that you could. Every email they send informing you of any hourly deficits ends with “you must make up the deficit by the end of the quarter” in bold. When I asked why I couldn’t have until the end of the quarter like the email says, they said that was just a generic email they send to everyone and the deficit was too high.

My new role is parent training in their homes. All I have been able to do for the last 2 weeks is call and email caregivers to set up initial appointments. I can bill for 15 minutes at most for each call. I am completely reliant on them answering and/or calling me back (which most of them have not).

I did my best, and I was promised to be given 30 hours for last week when I fully transitioned into the new role. This 30 hours was because it takes a WHILE to get to a point with these clients where I can even bill full-time. The kicker here is that I didn’t even get my new case load until close of business on Wednesday last week, and I was no longer able to bill for any of my previous clients that week at all.

When I asked if I was still going to be paid my salaried rate for the 30 hours from last week, they told me no! They said the hours were applied to May. The first day of this pay period was May 29th. They didn’t even inform me they were changing my status or reducing my pay until Friday, but they can decide they’re not going to pay me for the entire week prior when I had no possible way to bill for 30 hours that week??? They also told me they were going to!

So I have like 10 fucking hours on this paycheck, and I can’t even use my PTO for last week to make up for what I thought I was getting paid because I “can’t use PTO for the previous month.”

I feel so helpless and pissed off. I have been very agreeable and compliant since the investigation ended despite the fact that I was not happy with the outcome. Is there any way I can amend this and get some of my money? All of this happened via email, so I have this conversation in writing. I also forwarded the thread to my personal email account.

I have another job lined up, but I have to wait at least 2 weeks for my background, drug screening, etc. to come back before I can even start.

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