
Dyed hair and piercings are apparently “unprofessional”

I was just over reading a thread in /r/teachinguk and teachers saying coloured hair and piercings are unprofessional. I have neither so no skin in the game but thought it completely ridiculous and absurd that teachers would think this. In the UK teaching is a micro managed, overworked shitshow so I'm not surprised and the dress code is suited and booted. However I can't wrap my head around why “colour” and individuality is “unprofessional”. The word is really misused, you can have a suited and booted asshole teacher who bullies other teachers and is barely competent but that's ok because they look WASP but another teacher who works hard and is an all round decent person isn't because they have a nose ring or green hair. Complete bullshit.

I was just over reading a thread in /r/teachinguk and teachers saying coloured hair and piercings are unprofessional. I have neither so no skin in the game but thought it completely ridiculous and absurd that teachers would think this. In the UK teaching is a micro managed, overworked shitshow so I'm not surprised and the dress code is suited and booted. However I can't wrap my head around why “colour” and individuality is “unprofessional”. The word is really misused, you can have a suited and booted asshole teacher who bullies other teachers and is barely competent but that's ok because they look WASP but another teacher who works hard and is an all round decent person isn't because they have a nose ring or green hair. Complete bullshit.

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