
Employer approving PTO and then not approving it…

I work as a mental health therapist in a community mental health organization. It's a stressful job and there are many reasons I am not happy with my employer related to clinical competency and ethics (and they vape like crazy in the facility which I don't like). It's also hard for me to handle the stress of the job for more than 6 months at a time, so I plan on leaving at 6 months—which is in August. I would also like to take my 1 week of PTO before then. When I requested PTO the second time my boss called me into her office and asked if I was “ok”. I said yes and she said that June PTO is approved but that I cannot request any for July. This was 2 weeks ago. I also just requested my last 2 days of PTO for August. She sent me…

I work as a mental health therapist in a community mental health organization. It's a stressful job and there are many reasons I am not happy with my employer related to clinical competency and ethics (and they vape like crazy in the facility which I don't like). It's also hard for me to handle the stress of the job for more than 6 months at a time, so I plan on leaving at 6 months—which is in August. I would also like to take my 1 week of PTO before then.

When I requested PTO the second time my boss called me into her office and asked if I was “ok”. I said yes and she said that June PTO is approved but that I cannot request any for July. This was 2 weeks ago. I also just requested my last 2 days of PTO for August. She sent me an e-mail saying that August PTO has been approved and June PTO has not (although she approved it before). I wrote her an e-mail reminding her of our conversation with a question and she did not reply. I think they know I'm trying to burn my PTO.

How do I handle this? I'm thinking of saying I just wont be there since sick days are counted as PTO. They are dwindling on therapists since 2 just left (high turnover) and I know they wont fire me. haha What do you guys think? I'd love to take my PTO but if I don't take it–they have to cash me out, right?

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