
Employer/boss is the same ethnicity and discriminates against you? Who else has experienced this and avoids working with the same ethnicity?

I’m persian and I’ve always had bad experiences working for people of the same ethnic background, I try not to apply to places where they are the ceo or boss. Things that have happened to me: When it’s your own ethnicity they think it’s okay to cut corners and other things like being paid late, expecting more from you. Holding you to a different standard, thinking they can give you unsolicited advice/comments on anything (appearance, orientation,career goals). I can’t be the only one who’s gone through this. It’s almost feels like discrimination. I have given places the benefit of the doubt and still do, you know when you just know what it’ll be like. Also they’ve notoriously paid me the lowest out of all employers. To them I’d understand cuz “we’re the same”Fuck you that’s discrimination, I’m American !! I recently got hired at an awesome company but this is…

I’m persian and I’ve always had bad experiences working for people of the same ethnic background, I try not to apply to places where they are the ceo or boss.

Things that have happened to me: When it’s your own ethnicity they think it’s okay to cut corners and other things like being paid late, expecting more from you. Holding you to a different standard, thinking they can give you unsolicited advice/comments on anything (appearance, orientation,career goals). I can’t be the only one who’s gone through this.

It’s almost feels like discrimination. I have given places the benefit of the doubt and still do, you know when you just know what it’ll be like. Also they’ve notoriously paid me the lowest out of all employers.

To them I’d understand cuz “we’re the same”Fuck you that’s discrimination, I’m American !!

I recently got hired at an awesome company but this is mostly about previous past employers.

Who else has had the same experiences?

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