
Employer deducts 30 minutes for lunch regardless of if lunch was taken

The main office at my company sent out a memo to all employees saying everyone is required to take a 30 minute lunch break and we're no longer allowed to eat while working. I'm fine with that as most days I'm able to take lunch but the last sentence of the message said “If employees do not take their break, 30 minutes will be removed for that day.” Theres no way that's legal right? Those are hours worked even if they were supposed to take lunch

The main office at my company sent out a memo to all employees saying everyone is required to take a 30 minute lunch break and we're no longer allowed to eat while working. I'm fine with that as most days I'm able to take lunch but the last sentence of the message said

“If employees do not take their break, 30 minutes will be removed for that day.”

Theres no way that's legal right? Those are hours worked even if they were supposed to take lunch

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