
Employer (kind of) provides a food pantry to employees.

Sharing because this is absolutely dystopian? My employer has a once-a-month food pantry for employees who are facing food insecurity. You’d think that this would let the employer know they aren’t paying full time employees enough if they are experiencing challenges with getting food. Even worse, employees can only go to the food pantry 6 times in a year. So even though an employee may be facing these challenges for a whole year (which is likely as most contracts/salaries are signed and finalized once every fiscal year), my employer only wants to acknowledge that they are underpaying employees for half of the year.

Sharing because this is absolutely dystopian?

My employer has a once-a-month food pantry for employees who are facing food insecurity. You’d think that this would let the employer know they aren’t paying full time employees enough if they are experiencing challenges with getting food. Even worse, employees can only go to the food pantry 6 times in a year. So even though an employee may be facing these challenges for a whole year (which is likely as most contracts/salaries are signed and finalized once every fiscal year), my employer only wants to acknowledge that they are underpaying employees for half of the year.

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