I vaguely recall a post on here (maybe?) About how health insurance paid through your employer is a way for them to chain you to them and keep you there longer. I wholeheartedly believe that, and it makes me downright pissed off – today specifically.
I received an offer letter today for the job I've had a temp contract with for the last 3 months.
It's the pay I wanted, the benefits I wanted, except for the insurance…. which offers the lowest premium at almost 15% of my income.
Yeah, that's correct – 15fucking%.
What the fuck?!
My coworker showed me what they were offering last year when she started… 9.2% of her income (we get paid the same) she gets insurance through her husband's work though (lucky her lol)
The national average is 9.1%.
Where the hell is this 15% coming from?! DGMW, the plan is definitely a better plan than most – I know, because I used to work with health insurance companies and their policies on a daily basis. But not so great that it's worth 15 percent…
What a total fucking let down… sigh