
Employer won’t let us discuss wages.

A few months ago, I found out that at least two of our new hires that I was training were brought in at a higher rate of pay than I was. They also were making more than someone who had been there for five years. I had asked for a raise a month prior to finding out this information. I discussed this issue with a few coworkers who were also upset. These new hires were new to the industry, and aside from me training them, I also have a year of experience on them and I have a pretty decent certification in my field. I was pissed. I brought this up to my direct lead who said she understood my frustration, but that “this is why we say that wages need to be kept confidential.” I informed her it’s illegal to require that, and she said it would get escalated…

A few months ago, I found out that at least two of our new hires that I was training were brought in at a higher rate of pay than I was. They also were making more than someone who had been there for five years. I had asked for a raise a month prior to finding out this information. I discussed this issue with a few coworkers who were also upset.

These new hires were new to the industry, and aside from me training them, I also have a year of experience on them and I have a pretty decent certification in my field. I was pissed.

I brought this up to my direct lead who said she understood my frustration, but that “this is why we say that wages need to be kept confidential.” I informed her it’s illegal to require that, and she said it would get escalated above her.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. We all found out we could expect a wage increase, and I took this as my chance to get one that I deserved. I had a meeting with our HR about another issue and ended up crying as I told him I was struggling to buy groceries due to a third of my paycheck going into my commute. I explained to him my frustration with the new hires being paid more and he gave me a speech about how he needed to bring new employees in because we were that short staffed. He also informed me that wages are confidential, and I reminded him as well that a request like that is illegal. Not much was said.

Since then, we have all been told via email twice (once to all staff and once to me personally in an explanation of my raise) that wages are “strictly confidential” and they referenced the new handbook we were all required to sign. This had a clause in it that wages should not be talked about amongst employees (they did also state that any state or federal statutes can overrule anything in the handbook though).

I got the raise I wanted. It was very substantial. And I absolutely love my job. But I am so infuriated that they think we just don’t know the laws and can take advantage of that. I do not want to leave my job (I still need a higher wage to cover living expenses) until I find something that pays more. I could find more money elsewhere but my company is extremely supportive of its employees and their personal and mental health/satisfaction.

My question is:
Do I continue to talk about wages freely and wait for something to happen? Do I print out the state and federal statues and post them in our office? Should I do everything in my power to educate the business on their unlawful policies or do I let them fire me eventually and reap the rewards without giving them a warning?

Lastly, do I do nothing because I am happier with my wage now and would be stirring the pot and jeopardizing my job on principle?


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