
Employers/pay lady still ignoring my questions about my award entitlements, now is going through them with the new staff member.

So I asked about some award entitlements about 6 weeks ago (annual leave loading) to be exact, and was promised it would be looked into. I stated the clause it was under, she told me it looked right and she would get onto it. The owner of the business (her dad lol) tried to tell me I’m paid well above the award wage so shouldn’t get those entitlements, tried to invalidate the amount of work I do and somehow thought during our discussion that I came out of it happy (he is deluded and I am paid $1 above award). I’m leaving tomorrow and now they’re talking to the new employee (who was hired after I raised the question) about all of her entitlements which include annual leave loading. I feel like them ignoring me but accommodating her is a kick to the face for me, and I’ve just written…

So I asked about some award entitlements about 6 weeks ago (annual leave loading) to be exact, and was promised it would be looked into. I stated the clause it was under, she told me it looked right and she would get onto it. The owner of the business (her dad lol) tried to tell me I’m paid well above the award wage so shouldn’t get those entitlements, tried to invalidate the amount of work I do and somehow thought during our discussion that I came out of it happy (he is deluded and I am paid $1 above award).

I’m leaving tomorrow and now they’re talking to the new employee (who was hired after I raised the question) about all of her entitlements which include annual leave loading. I feel like them ignoring me but accommodating her is a kick to the face for me, and I’ve just written a long email giving them a due date for the amount they owe me. On top of that they’re way overdue for everyone’s superannuation payments and apparently have been caught not paying it twice in the past while on extended holidays in Europe. So thinking maybe I should just report them anyway.

Just for clarity too, I know I am a valued employee; when I resigned I was asked to come back later in the year to work for them again (I will not).

TLDR ; sick of entitled bosses thinking they don’t have to pay their staff their entitlements once they’ve resigned.

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