
Employment being tied to living conditions is bullshit.

How many of us have stayed or are currently staying in toxic work environments because if we didn’t we would be homeless? It’s ridiculous. Managers have the power and it seems like lately they’ve gotten worse and worse with how to wield it. It would be so nice if the ability to go, hey, you’re toxic as fuck and I’m leaving here to find somewhere else, is completely impossible in an at will state. You have to kiss ass and suck it up until they day they decide they don’t want to look at you anymore and can your ass. This is why UBIs should exist and in the areas where they did, it showed a significant improvement in quality of life and an increase in employment because people didn’t have to take the first job they found, they could hold out for a good one.

How many of us have stayed or are currently staying in toxic work environments because if we didn’t we would be homeless? It’s ridiculous. Managers have the power and it seems like lately they’ve gotten worse and worse with how to wield it. It would be so nice if the ability to go, hey, you’re toxic as fuck and I’m leaving here to find somewhere else, is completely impossible in an at will state. You have to kiss ass and suck it up until they day they decide they don’t want to look at you anymore and can your ass.

This is why UBIs should exist and in the areas where they did, it showed a significant improvement in quality of life and an increase in employment because people didn’t have to take the first job they found, they could hold out for a good one.

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