
employment law protections for harassment/financial reprisal

I will do my best to keep this succinct: Location: Canada Industry: Banking Role: IC specialized customer support SITUATION: At the beginning of the year, I was approved for a reimbursable UX design certification. I processed payment for the project and submitted reimbursement requests with all applicable receipts. One of the project costs was bill at time of participation. I paid this cost in advance to ensure full activity costs were reimbursed. By early spring, all project related costs had been paid and reimbursed as per employer policy. THE PROBLEM: This fall, I became physically unable to work (MS). This medical information had been advised at the time of hiring, as well throughout my employment. I went on medical leave and eventually transitioned to insurance approved STD. I advised the insurance company that my leave period covered the time of project participation, the costs, and the cancellation policy. The employer…

I will do my best to keep this succinct:
Location: Canada
Industry: Banking
Role: IC specialized customer support

At the beginning of the year, I was approved for a reimbursable UX design certification. I processed payment for the project and submitted reimbursement requests with all applicable receipts.

One of the project costs was bill at time of participation. I paid this cost in advance to ensure full activity costs were reimbursed.

By early spring, all project related costs had been paid and reimbursed as per employer policy.

This fall, I became physically unable to work (MS). This medical information had been advised at the time of hiring, as well throughout my employment.

I went on medical leave and eventually transitioned to insurance approved STD. I advised the insurance company that my leave period covered the time of project participation, the costs, and the cancellation policy.

The employer reviewed this and advised that costs would not be asked for back and to focus on recovery.

After initially advising that costs were not my responsibility; my employer turned around 2 months before the project and advised that I was required to return $5K, basically contradicting their first stance. The premise I was on medical leave and could not participate in the project; hence liable for the costs.

1. I submitted all required documentation while working full time.
2. I raised the concern that my illness/LTD coincided with the course dates. no one even connected the dots till I said something.
3. I was initially advised that I would not be penalized for being ill (it is not like I am on a beach in Tulum lying about my condition/treatment)
4. I did what was asked without pushback until they demanded $5K, and they said I was not liable for.
5. After pushing back on what they committed to in writing, they tried to throw the policy they first ignored back into the conversation and then told me to figure out how to return the funds
6. The exchange has made my symptoms so much worse due to the stress.

Am I actually liable if
– payment for the activity was done according to the rules?
– I did not purposely miss the activity? I can barely move!

Would this be considered harassment/reprisal?
What options under labor laws do I have?
Should I submit a complaint?


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