
Equilateral Profit Sharing Business (Input Welcomed)

Hey all. “Be the change” post here. First off, I am an anarchosyndicalist and thus firmly believe in wage dissolution because I am sick and tired of this predatory capitalism shit fucking fucking everybody over. As much of an idealist as I am, anarchosyndicalism is, sadly, wayyyy too far left to be feasible at this stage of late capitalism. We are starting to see the death throes in real time. However, idealism won't put food on the table or pay the rent. And God forbid we have a little bit of fun outside of survival. I cannot alone change this. However, I really do fucking give a shit about my fellow human beings and want to get a temperature check on this idea. As much as I hate how things are, I can only change myself. I run a successful business and it is growing and in a future proof…

Hey all.

“Be the change” post here. First off, I am an anarchosyndicalist and thus firmly believe in wage dissolution because I am sick and tired of this predatory capitalism shit fucking fucking everybody over.

As much of an idealist as I am, anarchosyndicalism is, sadly, wayyyy too far left to be feasible at this stage of late capitalism. We are starting to see the death throes in real time.

However, idealism won't put food on the table or pay the rent. And God forbid we have a little bit of fun outside of survival.

I cannot alone change this. However, I really do fucking give a shit about my fellow human beings and want to get a temperature check on this idea.

As much as I hate how things are, I can only change myself. I run a successful business and it is growing and in a future proof industry that is only going to be more the case as time goes on.

So I can't do this on my own when it gets to a certain point and will need to hire people.

Here's the thing. I don't want I live some flashy life with exorbitant possessions. I want to do music and live a simple but fruitful and creative life.

That being said, I want to run my business in a manner that profit is shared equilaterally. Seriously.

The best part? We will all make the same amount. I believe in full transparency and disclosure of the company's financial reporting. I have no interest in exploiting people for profit. The fucking world has had enough of that.

A big reason people don't feel like putting in “extra effort” (wages are socioeconomic slavery) is because there is no benefit to doing so. Work your ass off for six weeks, be responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit and get a pizza party out of it. This shit has GOT to stop.

So the buck stops with me. If the company brings in $100,000 a month, then, after overhead (WFH, see below), that will be equally divided among everybody. Yes. Sales. Employees from the lowest experience level to management. Even me.

I am not fucking around about my principles. If somebody is on our team who feels it's “unfair” that they are a manager and somebody “under” them makes “the same” then they can kick rocks and go find another job willing to split corporate profits. They may make “the same” at this company but it would still be “a fraction of” what they would get at another company.

The way this is run is semi-democratic. With the full transparency and open disclosure, if somebody is not contributing to the best of their abilities, if someone is micromanaging somebody else, I don't give a shit what it is, bring it to the table.

I will fire the first motherfucker who makes my employees feel micromanaged or that they hate their job. Nope. Work sucks. It does. None of us truly want to have to do it but we have to operate within the confines of this socioeconomic enslavement that is so ubiquitous now.

This is a place where everybody's input is (truly and actually) valued and taken into consideration. If somebody is not pulling their weight then we will have a sort of company vote and get rid of them if they cannot work in harmony with other people. We MUST look out for each other. None of us would want somebody negatively affecting equilateral profit sharing so it would be in everyone's best interest in doing so. I will NEVER fire somebody if they are trying their best. Life is hard enough without being stressed the fuck out about work.

True to my leftist and anarchosyndicalist principles, I believe that people do their best work when they are able to choose to work according to their strengths, of which is their own choice. Developers, designers, sales, engineers, whatever your strength is and what you actually somewhat enjoy doing (as much as you can for work ha!).

So bring it to the table, let's see if you're a good fit, and if so, welcome to the team. Let's make some money. Together. As in I get paid the same as you do and we all equilaterally share profits; the more WE make, the more WE make.

Best yet, I will never call this shit a “family” like these stupid corporations do that make me sick. We are not a family. We are not friends. We work together. It's a cool job but it's still a job. I will never insult somebody by that stupid family shit.

There won't be a lot of overhead because people can work remote. No office space to rent. I don't care how many hours you work as long as you get your shit done on time and done well with pride in your work. Since it's a profit-share structure, people are, in some sense, salaried. So if you get your shit done in 5 hours a day, great, you just earned profit share for a “part time” job. If it takes longer that's okay too. I never expect people to even work 40 hours a week because that is too much.

This will be happening over the next year or so. I wanted to come to this group specifically because I too feel this way but the only person I can change is myself and if I can provide actually meaningful work and give people a true reason to give it their all, then this is the best thing I can personally do.

Thoughts welcome.

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