
Evaluation’s from the lead’s side.

I'm a lead for a about 30 welder's and have evaluation's coming up for all of them. My problem is I've been trying to get a lot of them more money for a while but we had a “freeze” on pay increases which just lifted. Now that we are doing evaluation's I want to make this happen but I'm sure they will give a limit for me to spread amongst the group. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for trying to get squeeze as much out of upper management as possible. Thanks in advance for ideas.

I'm a lead for a about 30 welder's and have evaluation's coming up for all of them. My problem is I've been trying to get a lot of them more money for a while but we had a “freeze” on pay increases which just lifted. Now that we are doing evaluation's I want to make this happen but I'm sure they will give a limit for me to spread amongst the group. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for trying to get squeeze as much out of upper management as possible.

Thanks in advance for ideas.

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