
Everything feels like a scam or a lie

I've been at my first job for a year now (work anniversary in a little under two weeks) but have been applying to jobs like crazy for a few months now. I've mentioned it being almost a year subtly to see if this company cared at all but it's crickets….I've heard the standard for promotions is at least after a year so it's like celebrating the worst birthday alone. Hooray, first year in the workplace and I'm the only one at the “party”. Other than that, I'm just angry at schools for not preparing for the job hunt unless you went out of your way to plan. No one prepares you for the complete lack of empathy, emptiness, and grind. I've been doing the bare minimum since my role has turned into menial tasks or teaching senior teams how to do my job without having the confidence or salary to…

I've been at my first job for a year now (work anniversary in a little under two weeks) but have been applying to jobs like crazy for a few months now. I've mentioned it being almost a year subtly to see if this company cared at all but it's crickets….I've heard the standard for promotions is at least after a year so it's like celebrating the worst birthday alone. Hooray, first year in the workplace and I'm the only one at the “party”.

Other than that, I'm just angry at schools for not preparing for the job hunt unless you went out of your way to plan. No one prepares you for the complete lack of empathy, emptiness, and grind. I've been doing the bare minimum since my role has turned into menial tasks or teaching senior teams how to do my job without having the confidence or salary to justify it. And I can't say I'm optimistic about what comes next. Hopefully nothing gets worse than this but I'm sure the new one will have its own problems.

Also put out well over 100 applications for places I'm qualified for and had 2 interviews. I know that my skills and resume are good, same with my interview skills. I got an offer for one (after they had rejected me a few weeks before) but paid like a joke (less than a quarter of my current salary). I really don't get it. I fit these requirements and am applying if I fit most boxes. I went to a great college, had two internships from college that were supposed to be the golden ticket after graduation, but nothing. I'm kinda insulted at this point because there's nothing sticking out as to why I can't get a new position. All I can think of is that it's from a lack of work experience, which realistically shouldn't even disqualify me if I have a solid foundation in the requirements already. And we're talking about moving between entry level which is more baffling.

I literally can't find anything despite the “actively looking” signs, applying early, yadda yadda. I feel like this should be so much easier. I just need a change.

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