
Ex director thinks his word is bond

I left an abusive employer after 10 years back in December. Upon leaving I filed a wage complaint with DOL. After filing the wage complaint, he took a payment I was approved to receive per my credential and per his verbal approval and sent it to my credentialing body saying I was committing fraud “for years.” He believes that he can say he was unaware of this happening and had some of his other crony employees say it they knew. The thing is I have proof he’s lying. I’m sure my credentialing body will clear me once their investigation finishes. He likewise sent a letter to local heads in my field in an effort to make me essentially unemployable. I spent ten years of my life slaving away for this dickwad and choose to leave and file what should have been a protected action to be retaliated against and ridiculed…

I left an abusive employer after 10 years back in December. Upon leaving I filed a wage complaint with DOL. After filing the wage complaint, he took a payment I was approved to receive per my credential and per his verbal approval and sent it to my credentialing body saying I was committing fraud “for years.” He believes that he can say he was unaware of this happening and had some of his other crony employees say it they knew. The thing is I have proof he’s lying. I’m sure my credentialing body will clear me once their investigation finishes. He likewise sent a letter to local heads in my field in an effort to make me essentially unemployable.

I spent ten years of my life slaving away for this dickwad and choose to leave and file what should have been a protected action to be retaliated against and ridiculed and I just am so so sick of people thinking they’re god at work. I filed against the company, he took it personal.

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